Nautilus Hooks - Lifting Products
Putting safety first.
The law* says that an employer providing lifting equipment must ensure that risks created by the use of the equipment are eliminated where possible or controlled by providing appropriate hardware.
All standard lifting hook designs carry the same inherent hazard : to open or control the hook, the operator MUST place their hand within the hazardous hook/sling interface. This is a known cause of common pinch and trap injuries associated with the use of traditional "latch lock" hooks – some of which are serious finger and hand injuries that have resulted in costly compensation claims.
The patented Nautilus Hooks™ design eliminates this risk and provides a simple, safe, one-handed operation that puts worker safety first. This unique design puts an end to pinch and trap hand injuries, and thanks to the intellegent configuration between the handle and lock which promotes a "rotational arm" motion to open the hook, giving the hooks a light and easy operation, the wrist bending (and strain) motion required by traditional hooks is also eliminated.